Causes And Consequences Of Invasive Plants In Wetlands: Opportunities, Opportunists, And Outcomes

Wetlands seem to be especially vulnerable to invasions. Even though ?6% of the earth's land mass is wetland, 24% (8 of 33) of the world's most invasive plants are wetland species. Furthermore, many wetland invaders form monotypes, which alter habitat structure, lower biodiversity (both number and "quality" of species), change nutrient cycling and productivity (often increasing it), and modify food webs.

Cards Against Calamity

What would you do if your job was to manage a small coastal community besieged by job loss, irate voters, hurricanes, oil spills, and hipsters? Here's a way to find out: boot up your laptop or tablet and check out the new "serious game," Digital Cards Against Calamity. Cards Against Calamity is designed to be not only entertaining, but also educational by raising awareness of the issues surrounding coastal resilience, backed up by government data.

Books On Teaching Climate Change Communication, Eco-Literacy, And Eco-Justice

In the wake of this summer's record-breaking heat - hottest June on record, the hottest month ever in July - students and teachers have returned to their classrooms. But in what classes should the diverse causes and consequences of climate change be covered? If meeting the challenge of climate change will affect, in some way, nearly every aspect of contemporary life, should it be covered, in some way, in every course? This month's bookshelf features books about climate change education. The first part covered books that address the general theory and practice of teaching climate change.

Blue-Green Infrastructure Building Resiliency In Corporate Habitats

With a changing climate, it is vital that we think beyond traditional engineering. Blue-Green infrastructure (BGI) emphasizes the importance of combining water management alongside green infrastructure, and seeks to meet the challenges of climate change by "building with nature". When incorporated into your projects, BGI can make your habitat more resilient to storms of increasing intensity and high-water events. Our speakers are recognized worldwide as experts in blue-green infrastructure and bring decades of expertise and case studies on storm recovery, resiliency and flood-event evaluation.

Anatomy Of A Delta: The Foundation Of New Land

In Louisiana, and in many places, the term "delta" is widely used. That's mainly because we live on a delta - the Mississippi River Delta - and much of the land that comprises coastal Louisiana was built by the Mississippi and other rivers creating new deltas over millennia. From a more technical standpoint, identifying what a delta is and its various components may not be as easy for most people. Many people picture a delta as a place where a river meets open water, and land protrudes outward as sediment accumulates near the mouth.

Working Towards A Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

Over 130 countries have declared support for a global agreement to combat marine litter and microplastics. There are numerous processes underway to build momentum towards an ambitious global plastics agreement at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) 5.2 in February 2022. This webinar will discuss why a growing number of countries have indicated support for a plastic pollution treaty and what it could look like.

With A Pinch Of Slat

We know that average sea levels have risen over the past century, and that global warming is to blame. But what is climate change doing to the saltiness, or salinity, of our oceans? This is an important question because big shifts in salinity could be a warning that more severe droughts and floods are on their way, or even that global warming is speeding up. Now, new research coming out of the United Kingdom (U.K.) suggests that the amount of salt in seawater is varying in direct response to man-made climate change.

Winged Wonders

Every spring, members of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's Environmental Monitoring team go out to the wetlands and meadows in our region to gauge the health of bird populations. While urban sprawl continues to whittle away habitats, humans - and their family pets - threaten species as well.