How To Save A Town From Rising Waters

Isle de Jean Charles, home to the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw band of Native Americans, has lost 98 percent of its land since 1955. Its 99 remaining residents have been dubbed "America's first climate refugees." 'There's just a little strip of it left,' said resident Rita Falgout. 'There used to be a lot of trees; we didn't have so much salt water.' Like many of the houses on Isle de Jean Charles, her home is raised on 15-foot stilts to evade the increasingly omnipresent floodwaters. But the stilts can't protect her from the island's isolation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Plastic Recycling And Composting

The term "biodegradable" when used for marketing purposes includes a time component regarding the length of time it takes for the plastic to fully degrade. According to the Federal Trade Commission's "Green Guides": "It is deceptive to make an unqualified degradable claim for items entering the solid waste stream if the items do not completely decompose within one year after customary disposal.

Farm Road: Rural Gentrification And The Erasure Of History

In its infancy, gentrification was a word used to describe changes in urban neighborhoods. Now, gentrification has been documented in suburbs and rural areas around the world. It is even sweeping through Washington, DC's suburban counties, where farmlands are being converted into housing and mixed-use developments. The "Farm Road" case in Maryland's Montgomery County is a troubling example of rural gentrification and historical erasure.

Faces Of The Delta: Reverend Tyronne Edwards

Next in our Faces of the Delta series, you will meet Reverend Tyronne Edwards: 5th generation resident of Phoenix, La., community leader and organizer and coastal restoration advocate. How has coastal land loss impacted your life? 'We lost everything we had during Hurricane Katrina. It was frightening to us. We now realize that if we had the right protection, the proper barriers-wetlands-we could protect our communities.

Discover Urban Wetland's Worth

In Colombo, Sri Lanka, IWMI's host country, we are helping discover and promote the true worth of the city's unique wetland ecosystem - to mitigate flooding, incentivize green investment, bolster food security and in other ways make the city more livable for all. This is the compelling message of our new video on the Colombo Wetlands Complex, which is a nominee for the urban wetlands accreditation scheme of the Ramsar Convention, an intergovernmental treaty that promotes the conservation and wise use of wetlands.

Creek Critters

Audubon Naturalist Society's Creek Critters app walks you through finding and identifying the small organisms - or critters - that live in freshwater streams and creating stream health reports based on your findings." Creek Critters acts as a tool when identifying macroinvertebrates and allows users to contribute to a community science proje

Climate Is The Newest Gentrifying Force, And Its Effects Are Already Re-Shaping Cities

The term "gentrification" tends to evoke images of luxury condos rising from the rubble of public housing developments and the replacement of community-run businesses with high-end commercial real estate development. Officially, it is defined as the renovation of under-developed neighborhoods to make them suitable for more affluent residents, often resulting in the displacement of low-income people of color who can no longer afford to live in their homes.

Climate Change Is Altering Migration Patterns Regionally And Globally

There is currently no international legal framework to address environmental disasters and climate change as drivers of migration. There is also no consensus on what terminology should be used to describe individuals moving due to environmental factors. The 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Refugee Protocol, multilateral agreements that define "refugee" and set states' obligations for protection, were not crafted with the environment, climate change, or environmental disasters in mind - and therefore do not mention them as grounds for refugee protection. U.S.