Science Literacy

Science Literacy will teach you about the process of science, how to think critically, how to differentiate science from pseudoscience, how indigenous wisdom can inform science, how to understand and design a scientific study, and how to critically evaluate scientific communication in the media.

Science Literacy

Science Literacy will teach you about the process of science, how to think critically, how to differentiate science from pseudoscience, how indigenous wisdom can inform science, how to understand and design a scientific study, and how to critically evaluate scientific communication in the media.

Pollution In Lake Pontchartrain

Various components of the overall pollutant loading picture of the Lake are known or have recently been estimated from data that is available. For example, there are quite a few spot or point analyses of pollutant levels at most of the significant inflows into the Lake, such as at municipal discharge points and mouths of major tributaries. Generally lacking at these points to establish pollutant loading levels are volume flow measurements and a statistically significant number of samples over an extended period of time.

Plastic Eating Enzyme

Scientists Accidentally Discovered A Plastic Eating Enzyme That Could Revolutionize Recycling: An international team of scientists have accidentally enhanced a plastic eating enzyme in a discovery that could change our relationship with plastic forever. The breakthrough, if scaled up, could lead to plastic being broken down into its original components and formed into plastic items again, removing the need for making more of the material.


NEPAssist is a tool that facilitates the environmental review process and project planning in relation to environmental considerations. The web-based application draws environmental data dynamically from EPA Geographic Information System databases and web services and provides immediate screening of environmental assessment indicators for a user-defined area of interest. These features contribute to a streamlined review process that potentially raises important environmental issues at the earliest stages of project development.?

My Louisiana Love

Tracing Monique Verdin's quest to find a place in her Native American community as it suffers from decades of environmental degradation. When she returns to Louisiana to reunite with family, she sees that the traditional way of life is threatened by a cycle of man-made environmental crises. Monique must overcome the loss of her house, her father and her partner, and redefine the meaning of home."

Microplastics: An Emerging Threat To Global Ecology And Public Health

Microplastics, defined as plastic particles smaller than 5mm, are a well-known marine pollutant. An estimated 93,000 to 236,000 metric tons of microplastics litter the world's oceans, according to a 2015 study. Recent evidence suggests that they also contaminate freshwater environments, the food we eat, and even the air we breathe. Yet the consequences for human health are largely unknown.