The Vital Of Business In Biodiversity Building The Case For Corporate Conservation

In today's competitive landscape, engaging in corporate conservation is emerging as an innovative approach to meet both business and environmental needs. Indeed, corporate spending on sustainability and circular economy initiatives is on the rise - and yielding increased sales and cost savings. Demonstrating leadership in corporate conservation is crucial to meeting sustainability goals and achieving stakeholder collaboration.

The Ocean Cleanup

The founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup spoke with CNET's Stephen Beacham about his latest endeavor to catch plastic pollution in rivers across the world. The Interceptor has already been deployed in two rivers and is actively collecting plastic debris before it reaches our oceans.

The Fragile Fringe

This educator's guide "includes background information, suggested activities, glossary, references, and reading list. Activities can be demonstrated by the teacher or performed by students. Emphasis is on Gulf Coast wetlands."

Talking Trash: Marine Debris Research In Alaska

With Alaska's extensive, rugged and remote coastline, longer than the rest of the United States combined, innovative and creative approaches are required to address marine debris. Join us to learn about types of marine debris of all shapes and sizes, as well as projects that are being undertaken in Alaska by NOAA and community partners to conduct marine debris research, removal, and prevention