Caution: Building In A Wetland Can Be Hazardous To Your House

Build your house in a wetland, and you've got a hobby for the rest of your life,' warns Ed Perry. 'You will be fighting that water forever.' A student of flooded basements and cracked foundations, Perry knows what he's talking about. While investigating illegally filled wetlands in Pennsylvania for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the biologist has visited plenty of houses built where water naturally flows and has commiserated with sorrowful owners of sodden split-levels.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions. The average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Globally, the average is closer to 4 tons. To have the best chance of avoiding a 2? rise in global temperatures, the average global carbon footprint per year needs to drop under 2 tons by 2050.

Cane Bayou Mitigation Bank Will Save Money And Preserve Over 1,000 Acres Of Land

Pat Brister, St. Tammany Parish President, announced today, the opening of the Cane Bayou Mitigation Bank, and conservation project; the first of its kind in St. Tammany Parish. A culmination of over five years of work has resulted in roughly 1,200 acres of tree-populated land which will be preserved, and a portion utilized, for wetlands mitigation by St. Tammany Parish Government. Wetlands mitigation credits, required by federal law when natural resources are disrupted through developmental impacts, were previously purchased from out-of-state companies at a much higher cost. St.

Buyouts Won'T Be The Answer For Many Frequent Flooding Victims

It's hard to find another county in America that has accomplished more buyouts than Harris County. Since 1985, the Harris County Flood Control District - the main entity managing buyouts in the Houston area - has spent $342 million to purchase about 3,100 properties. But thanks to a decades-long trend of increased flooding in Houston, caused by a combination of urban sprawl, lax building regulations and intense rainstorms linked to climate change, buyouts haven't kept up with the destruction.

Business And Biodiversity: A Critical Partnership For The Future

In today's competitive landscape, engaging in corporate conservation is emerging as an innovative approach to meet both business and environmental needs. Indeed, corporate spending on sustainability and circular economy initiatives is on the rise - and yielding increased sales and cost savings. Demonstrating leadership in corporate conservation is crucial to meeting sustainability goals and achieving stakeholder collaboration.

Building Urban Resilience With Nature

As cities are increasingly challenged by rapid urbanization, population growth and the impacts of land degradation and climate change, they are in the need of finding adequate solutions for sustainable city development. As most of this development is taking place in river-side and coastal areas the rapid loss of valuable wetland ecosystems makes our cities increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of extreme weather events and climate change.

Building On The Shore

In this episode, we're learning about coastal erosion and how it affects homes built near the shore. We explore the coastline with Hawai'i Sea Grant Extension Agent, Ruby Pap, and County of Kauai planner, Ka'aina Hull, to see what happens when buildings are put too close to the ocean compared to buildings that are set-back, allowing natural beach action and sea-level rise to occur - without damaging properties.