Climate Change Is Killing Crops In Honduras

In rural Honduras, farming has been many residents' livelihood for generations. But now, rising temperatures and declining rainfall are killing crops and jeopardizing the farmers' very survival. Special correspondent Marcia Biggs and videographer Julia Galiano-Rios explore how climate change affects these rural populations, driving them into urban areas and ultimately, even out of the country.

Climate Action And Sustainability: Indigenous Peoples Are Part Of The Solution.

The world's climate is in turmoil. Extensive bushfires in Australia causing massive destruction to lives (both animal and human), property and the environment have attracted global media attention for months. In the Arctic, there are haunting images of polar bears starving as their natural habitats disappear due to rising waters and melting ice caps, and in Kenya, changing patterns of ocean circulation have created conditions for locusts to ravage pastures.

Cesspool Contamination And Algae

We're learning how invasive algae are being used to detect cesspool contamination across Hawai?i. Cesspools are leaching excess nutrients into the environment, contaminating our water systems, and negatively affecting the growth of algae and coral reefs. Hawaii has less than 30 years to replace over 80 thousand cesspools. Scientists are analyzing the Nitrogen levels in algae to see where along our coastlines the cesspools are leaking most.

C-Cap Land Cover Atlas

This online data viewer provides user-friendly access to coastal land cover and land cover change information developed through NOAA's Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP). The tool summarizes general change trends (such as forest losses or new development) and provides tables, maps, and reports to enhance communication and decision-making.