
The EnviroAtlas Interactive Map is a discovery and analysis tool for hundreds of data layers relating to ecosystem services, biodiversity, people, and the built environment.

Effects Of Urbanization On Ecosystems

Development can have negative effects on streams in urban and suburban areas. As a watershed becomes covered with pavement, sidewalks, and other types of urban land cover, stream organisms are confronted with an increased volume of storm water runoff, increased exposure to fertilizers and pesticides, and dramatic changes in physical living spaces within the stream itself.

Economic Benefits Of Wetlands

Wetlands contribute to the national and local economies by producing resources, enabling recreational activities and providing other benefits, such as pollution control and flood protection. While it can be difficult to calculate the economic value provided by a single wetland, it is possible to evaluate the range of services provided by all wetlands and assign a dollar value. These amounts can be impressive. According to one assessment of natural ecosystems, the dollar value of wetlands worldwide was estimated to be $14.9 trillion. (Source: Costanza et al.

Diy Lake Science

DIY Lake Science allows families and educators to investigate and learn about lakes and other freshwater ecosystems at home, at school, or anywhere you go! The app includes a dozen easy to use, hands-on activities to learn about freshwater ecosystems. Each activity includes step-by-step instructions that have been tested by educators, kids, and families. The activity materials are widely available and inexpensive - you probably have many of them in your home.

Delta Dispatches (Podcast)

On today's show, our hosts are joined by Darilyn Turner, Executive Director of Zion Travelers Cooperative Center, and four of her trainees to talk about her organization and what makes the East Bank the best bank. ZTCC is an organization that's built around advocating for coastal restoration, disaster preparedness and connecting the youth of Plaquemines Parish to the environment.

Deepwater Horizon

On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. The explosion, which killed 11 men, caused the rig to sink and started a catastrophic oil leak from the well. Before it was capped three months later, approximately 134 million gallons of oil had spilled into the Gulf, the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history.