The Sustainable Development Goals- A Global, Transdiscilinary Vision For The Future

In 2015, the UN launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopted by 193 member states, the goals represent an important international step in setting humanity on a trajectory towards sustainable development. Within this course, you will get a historical overview of how sustainability has been understood, as well as a thorough introduction to the SDGs - what they are, how progress can be measured, and how the SDGs are relevant for the management of the global systems supporting humanity.

Pontchartrain Environmental Atlas

Management of nitrogen loading into the watershed is a feasible proposition even with the likely further urban expansion on the northern shore of the Lake. The consequences of future nitrogen loadings resulting from population growth on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain can be compensated for by rather rudimentary sewerage treatment of existing non-point sources, from treatment or diversion of pumped urban runoff, and by sealing the leakage of water passing through the Bonnet Carre Spillway.

Creek Critters

Audubon Naturalist Society's Creek Critters app walks you through finding and identifying the small organisms - or critters - that live in freshwater streams and creating stream health reports based on your findings." Creek Critters acts as a tool when identifying macroinvertebrates and allows users to contribute to a community science proje

Cards Against Calamity

What would you do if your job was to manage a small coastal community besieged by job loss, irate voters, hurricanes, oil spills, and hipsters? Here's a way to find out: boot up your laptop or tablet and check out the new "serious game," Digital Cards Against Calamity. Cards Against Calamity is designed to be not only entertaining, but also educational by raising awareness of the issues surrounding coastal resilience, backed up by government data.

Blue-Green Infrastructure Building Resiliency In Corporate Habitats

With a changing climate, it is vital that we think beyond traditional engineering. Blue-Green infrastructure (BGI) emphasizes the importance of combining water management alongside green infrastructure, and seeks to meet the challenges of climate change by "building with nature". When incorporated into your projects, BGI can make your habitat more resilient to storms of increasing intensity and high-water events. Our speakers are recognized worldwide as experts in blue-green infrastructure and bring decades of expertise and case studies on storm recovery, resiliency and flood-event evaluation.

Working Towards A Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

Over 130 countries have declared support for a global agreement to combat marine litter and microplastics. There are numerous processes underway to build momentum towards an ambitious global plastics agreement at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) 5.2 in February 2022. This webinar will discuss why a growing number of countries have indicated support for a plastic pollution treaty and what it could look like.