Explore More: Water Quality

The water we drink, the places we swim, and the plants and animals within our environment are increasingly threatened by one thing--pollution. Agricultural practices, household uses, urban runoff, and other sources significantly impact our communities and the world. The ways we use water, the pollutants found in it, and the issues that challenge its quality must be understood if we are to protect this vital resource. This award-winning program examines the threats, surveys the experts, and challenges you to make a difference through the choices you make.

Effects Of Urbanization On Ecosystems

Development can have negative effects on streams in urban and suburban areas. As a watershed becomes covered with pavement, sidewalks, and other types of urban land cover, stream organisms are confronted with an increased volume of storm water runoff, increased exposure to fertilizers and pesticides, and dramatic changes in physical living spaces within the stream itself.

Delta Dispatches (Podcast)

On today's show, our hosts are joined by Darilyn Turner, Executive Director of Zion Travelers Cooperative Center, and four of her trainees to talk about her organization and what makes the East Bank the best bank. ZTCC is an organization that's built around advocating for coastal restoration, disaster preparedness and connecting the youth of Plaquemines Parish to the environment.

Combating Coastal Land Loss

Coastal residents are not strangers to environmental issues that threaten our land and lives. But how can we address them? In this TEDx talk, wetland ecologist Karen McKee explains some of the science behind land subsidence, the importance of coastal ecosystems, what this means for the future of communities, and discusses potential tools to move toward solutions.