Wetland Restoration Landowner Benefits

Voluntary public?private partnerships through conservation easements are important programs for conserving and restoring wetlands in the Great Lakes watershed. Little is known about what motivates landowners to participate, landowners' perceived value of the projects, the conservation management practices they undertake, and the impact of wetland restoration on property values. Therefore, the team evaluated wetland restoration projects based on biodiversity and environmental quality; hydrology and hydraulics; property owner knowledge, attitudes and behaviors; and impact on property value.

Wetland Restoration

Wetlands are among the richest and most diverse places on earth. Thousands of fish, mammals and birds call the wetlands home. If you can believe it, wetlands, thick with plants and soggy soils, act as a sponge, soaking up pollutants to help keep our water clean. They also help protect people from floods and storms.

We Are All Vulnerable To The Effects Of Water Pollution

Dr. Jamie Dewitt explains her research in Phamacology and Toxicology and why water pollution might pose a problem no matter where you are... Her current scientific research focus is on how exposure to emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment, such as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and pharmaceutical and personal care products, affect the adult and developing immune and nervous systems.

Watch This Modern Technology Remove Millions Of Plastic From The Ocean

The Ocean Cleanup's System 001/B has successfully captured 60 1-cubic-meter bags of plastic from the Great Pacific garbage patch and returned it safely to Vancouver, British Columbia, where the organization held a press conference today to discuss its plans to develop the plastic into reusable products. We spoke with CEO Boyan Slat about what needs to be done next.

Valuing Wetlands

Wetlands play an important role in the lives of animals, plants, and humans. However, they are often overlooked and understudied. To learn more about the services provided by wetlands, our biologists joined up with a group of multidisciplinary researchers which included NGOs, universities, and masters students to research wetlands in Cambodia and Vietnam.

Types Of Pollutants That Affect Water Quality

Almost anyone or anything is a potential source of pollutants. So water quality experts group sources into two main categories of pollutants point sources and non-point sources. Homes, industries, wildlife, recreation, and transportation all depend on clean sources of water. Everyone uses it, needs it, and many of us take it for granted. These videos examine the ways water is used, profiles types of pollution, and presents a variety of perspectives on the issue of water quality. What are the biggest threats to water quality in your area?