Litter Glitter

The patented Litter Glitter is a tactical, small stream litter collection device used to intercept floating litter from storm water runoff. Osprey Initiative utilizes these devices to intercept litter closer to the source, preventing its flow further downstream. Initial tests indicate a 80+% success rate in preventing the downstream loss of floating litter. Osprey collects this data to create tailored solutions, while also handling all aspects of installing and maintaining the Litter Glitter.

Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring

Harmful algal blooms (HABs), sometimes known as "red tide", occur when certain kinds of algae grow very quickly, forming patches, or "blooms", in the water. These blooms can emit powerful toxins which endanger human and animal health. Reported in every coastal state, HABs have caused an estimated $1 billion in losses over the last several decades to coastal economies that rely on recreation, tourism, and seafood harvesting. Blooms can lead to odors that require more costly treatment for public water supplies.

Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring

Harmful algal blooms (HABs), sometimes known as "red tide", occur when certain kinds of algae grow very quickly, forming patches, or "blooms", in the water. These blooms can emit powerful toxins which endanger human and animal health. Reported in every coastal state, HABs have caused an estimated $1 billion in losses over the last several decades to coastal economies that rely on recreation, tourism, and seafood harvesting. Blooms can lead to odors that require more costly treatment for public water supplies.

Global Change Explorer

The Integrated Climate and Land Use Scenarios (ICLUS) outputs are derived from a pair of models. A demographic model generates population projections for all counties of the conterminous United States to the year 2100. Those projections drive a spatial allocation model that distributes new housing units across the landscape in response to population growth.


This online database provides a searchable inventory of valuation studies for ecosystem services that focus on an identified ecosystem and provide monetary value for these services. Ecosystem valuation data are abundant, yet they are often hard to find. GecoServ functions as a centralized source and user-friendly interface for the information. It promotes the distribution and sharing of these valuation studies, provides researchers with background information for future studies, and helps resource managers include ecosystem services in the decision-making process.

Debris Tracker Data

Debris Tracker is designed to help citizen scientists like you make a difference by contributing data on plastic pollution in your community. We've been tracking litter since before smartphones existed, and we're still driven by uniting technology and citizen science to fight plastic pollution. Every day, dedicated educational, non-profit, and scientific organizations and passionate citizen scientists from all around the world record data on inland and marine debris with our easy-to-use app, contributing to our open data platform and scientific research.

Coastal Country Snapshots

This online tool provides managers and citizens with easy-to-understand charts and graphs that describe complex coastal data. Users select a county of interest and the website does the rest, creating a helpful educational tool for governing bodies and citizen groups. Current snapshot topics include flood exposure, wetland benefits, and ocean and Great Lakes jobs.