A Global Crisis For Seagrass Ecosystems

Seagrasses, marine flowering plants, have a long evolutionary history but are now challenged with rapid environmental changes as a result of coastal human population pressures. Seagrasses provide key ecological services, including organic carbon production and export, nutrient cycling, sediment stabilization, enhanced biodiversity, and trophic transfers to adjacent habitats in tropical and temperate regions.

Biogeography Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (Sav) In The Pontchartrain Basin

A biogeographic study of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Pontchartrain Basin of southeastern Louisiana was conducted. These plants provide numerous essential ecosystem services. Eighteen species occurred in different salinity zones ranging from freshwater to the saline waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Lake Pontchartrain SAV coverage was reduced by 70 percent from 1953 to 1990 due to increased turbidity from urbanization and shell dredging.

What Threats Do Mangroves And Seagrass Face?

Despite the valuable role that mangroves and seagrass play in the Florida Keys ecosystem, these plants are facing one particularly large threat: Us. In the Florida Keys, human development is the greatest threat to mangrove communities. Since the 1950s, more than 60 percent of mangroves in Monroe County have been destroyed for development. Activities such as dredging, using herbicides, and increasing waste water runoff have destroyed thousands of acres of mangrove habitat.

Statewide Summary For Louisiana

Although wigeon grass (Ruppia maritima) is common all along coastal Louisiana, true seagrass meadows containing turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum), manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme), shoal grass (Halodule wrightii), and star grass (Halophila englemannii) currently occur only east of the Mississippi River near the Chandeleur Islands (fig. 1).

Sensational Seagrass

Seagrass are flowering plants that live in the sea. There are many different kinds of seagrasses and some do not look like grass at all. Some of the shapes and sizes of leaves of different species of seagrass include an oval shape, a fern shape, a long spaghetti like leaf and a ribbon shape.