Modeling The Gulf Of Mexico

The "Modeling the Gulf" middle school science curriculum was compiled and developed to align with research being conducted by the Consortium for Ocean-Microbial Interactions in the Ocean (CSOMIO). The CSOMIO project is working to fill critical gaps in our ability to numerically model the transport and fate of oil in coastal waters. This middle school science curriculum contains five lesson plans related to ocean modeling, including the fields of biogeochemistry, fluid dynamics, and microbiology.

Understanding Sea Level

Scientists know that sea level is rising, and that we experience some of these impacts as more frequent and intense storm surge and coastal flooding events. Using data from NOAA's satellites and coastal stations, you will do the analysis to see sea level changing.

Sensational Seagrass

Seagrass are flowering plants that live in the sea. There are many different kinds of seagrasses and some do not look like grass at all. Some of the shapes and sizes of leaves of different species of seagrass include an oval shape, a fern shape, a long spaghetti like leaf and a ribbon shape.


In this pack, children can research seagrass, build their own Secchi disk, undertake the project seagrass word search and take on ocean coding challenges.

Noaa Estuary Resources

Why teach about estuaries? This suite of estuary education resources help educators bring estuarine science into the classroom through hands-on learning, experiments, fieldwork, and data explorations. These specially designed lessons, activities, data explorations, animations and videos can be used independently or as a supplement to existing curricula and can be adapted to meet any grade level.