Agricultural Contaminants

Over the last 100 years, agricultural expansion and intensification has led to changes in water quality and the health of stream ecosystems. Considerable increases in fertilizer and pesticide use began in the 1960s. In 2010, about 11 billion kilograms of nitrogen fertilizer and 300 million kilograms of pesticides were used annually to enhance crop production or control pests.

Aerial Seeding

In addition to restoration by volunteers, PC also utilizes aerial seeding techinques. If successful the seeds spread by airplane will grow into towering swamp trees, which will help to rebuild swamp habitat and will also protect surrounding communities from storm surge.

Adopt-A- Catch Basin

With this resource, community members in New Orleans are invited to take part in stewardship by adopting a loca catch basin. "The City of New Orleans is working closely with residents and business owners to Adopt A Catch Basin on their block and help improve drainage conditions throughout the City. Eighty five percent of the City's clogged catch basins are full of leaves and grass clippings that can be easily and safely removed by residents like you!"

Accumulation Survey Debris Datasheet

Accumulation studies provide information on the rate of deposition (flux) of debris onto the shoreline. These studies are more suited to areas that have beach cleanups, as debris is removed from the entire length of shoreline during each site visit. This type of survey is more labor-intensive and is used to determine the rate of debris deposition (# of items per unit area, per unit time).

Accumulation And Distribution Of Marine Debris On Barrier Islands Across The Northern Gulf Of Mexico

In recent decades, the topic of marine debris has gained recognition as a significant global ecological and economic problem. As the amount of debris in our oceans grows, the frequency of research and monitoring to understand its sources, concentrations, and impacts also increases. As the frequency of studies grow, the evidence and understanding of the negative effects of marine debris does as well (Rochman et al., 2016).