PC: Marine Debris Guided Review

In this guided review, you will learn about marine debris and its impacts on humans and the environment. This review seeks to outline the origins, pathways, and studies surrounding marine debris. In the following resources you will find information about the consequences of marine debris as well as the strategies being developed to mitigate its impacts.

PC: Marine Debris Lesson Plan

Students will explore the origins and consequences of marine debris. They will illustrate the journey of a piece of discarded plastic and the events that occur as it enters a waterway. They will examine the data that reveals the pervasive impact it is having on water and widlife throughout the world. They will also propose possible solutions to curb marine debris.

What Is Seagrass

Since the time of the dinosaurs, four groups of flowering plants (angiosperms) colonised the oceans. Known as 'seagrass', they are the only flowering plants that can live underwater. More closely related to lilies and gingers than to true grasses, they grow in sediment on the sea floor with erect, elongate leaves and a buried root-like structure (rhizome).