Pathways To Urban Sustainability: Challenges And Opportunities For The United States

Cities have experienced an unprecedented rate of growth in the last decade. More than half the world's population lives in urban areas, with the U.S. percentage at 80 percent. Cities have captured more than 80 percent of the globe's economic activity and offered social mobility and economic prosperity to millions by clustering creative, innovative, and educated individuals and organizations. Clustering populations, however, can compound both positive and negative conditions, with many modern urban areas experiencing growing inequality, debility, and environmental degradation.

New Growth To The North

Today's Northshore millennials are spreading their wings to find new housing and livelihoods in newly developed parts of St. Tammany Parish. And it's not just homeowners, either: Regional companies are finding the Northshore to their liking as well. These two demographic factors - millennials and new companies - have helped sustain the economic engine of the latest and largest mixed-use developments of retail, residential and office hubs across the parish. To St.

Multitemporal Imagery Based Analysis Of Urban Land In St. Tammany Parish In Conjunction With Socioeconomic Data

Urbanization would appear on the surface a natural course of creation by humans. Cities grow with populations; the idea seems clear yet there is more than just a growth in population that lies behind each unique city expansion. St. Tammany Parish, a suburb parish of New Orleans, Louisiana, that has its own distinct history like many other counties in the United States... Early growth in St.

Master Plan Data Viewer

This viewer displays the results from CPRA's 2017 Coastal Master Plan and provides resources to reduce risk. Information includes: future land change, storm surge flood risk, coastal vegetation, and social vulnerability. Also included are the state's proposed restoration, structural protection, and nonstructural risk reduction projects to help make communities safer. This information is for coastal planning purposes, and is not appropriate for site-specific decision making.

Mainstreaming Climate Action Into Sustainable Development

This webinar, the first of a series of three dedicated to the Partnership in Action report, will see how countries are integrating climate action into domestic policy, planning, budget, and SDG agendas across government in the COVID-19 era, including using climate action as a basis for economic recovery and involving many varied actions. It will offer snapshots on how countries are facing up to COVID, health issues, inclusive growth, and adaptation, as well as their efforts to engage youth and make climate action gender responsive.

Louisiana Conservation Servitudes

A conservation servitude, known as a conservation easement in other states, is a voluntary deeded restriction on your property that prevents it from being developed in certain ways. However, it does not mean that you relinquish ownership of the property. You can still sell, mortgage, and pass the land to your children. Conservation servitudes are flexible in that you can pick restrictions and requirements that fit your conservation vision.

Land Use Conflicts

Due to the constantly rising demand for food and energy, humanity is consuming more natural resources than are regenerated and brings the Earth's ecosystems to their performance limits. What are the consequences of the rapidly changing land use for humans and the environment? How do future sustainable land use strategies for the limited resource land look like? These are the core questions, which are analyzed interdisciplinary in the Integrated Project Land Use Conflicts.

Land Use (Urban Sprawl)

In this video Paul Andersen explains how land is developed for human use. Urbanization has occurred through the last century as people have moved to cities in large numbers. Transportation and the arrival of the car have led to urban sprawl and urban blight. Smart growth can be used to mediate some of the ecosystem impacts. Land is also preserved in parks, refuges, and wilderness areas.