Fossil Atmospheres

We want to create a record of how the atmosphere has changed through time by calculating the ratio of two different types of leaf cell (stomatal and epidermal) for many leaves, from the present and the geological past. We know that the composition of the Earth's atmosphere has changed over time, and that it is changing now. It is important for us to understand what effect climate change might have on life on our planet in the long term.

Deadline Set For Residents Of Vanishing Isle De Jean Charles To Apply For Relocation

Residents of a sinking Louisiana island have until the end of the month to apply for a new home under a first-of-its-kind federal program to help people retreat from the effects of climate change. The state Office of Community Development set Jan. 31 as the deadline for Isle de Jean Charles residents to request resettlement in a new housing development near Houma or an existing home elsewhere in Louisiana.

Coastal Resilience Mapping Portal

With its high incidence of storms and hurricanes and valuable ecological and economic resources, the Gulf region is a high-risk area with great potential to demonstrate natural risk reduction solutions. The Coastal Resilience approach and tools have been applied Gulf-wide and at specific sites, including those that help identify where to implement oyster reef restoration to meet social and ecological goals.

Coastal County Snapshots

This online tool provides managers and citizens with easy-to-understand charts and graphs that describe complex coastal data. Users select a county of interest and the website does the rest, creating a helpful educational tool for governing bodies and citizen groups. Current snapshot topics include flood exposure, wetland benefits, and ocean and Great Lakes jobs.

Climate Justice 101: Climate Migration

The climate movement is changing. And it matters. Chances are you've seen it: The growing recognition across the climate community that we cannot truly solve the climate crisis without also confronting the deep inequities and racial injustice at the heart of our societies. This truth isn't new. For years, environmental justice leaders, relief agencies, and even UN officials have been shouting from the rooftops about the countless ways that climate change hits people of color hardest and makes poor families poorer.