Understanding Sea Level

Scientists know that sea level is rising, and that we experience some of these impacts as more frequent and intense storm surge and coastal flooding events. Using data from NOAA's satellites and coastal stations, you will do the analysis to see sea level changing.

Tripping Points Of Mississippi Delta Marshes Due To Accelerated Sea-Level Rise

Coastal marshes are threatened by relative sea-level (RSL) rise, yet recent studies predict marsh survival even under the high rates of RSL rise expected later in this century. However, because these studies are mostly based on short-term records, uncertainty persists about the longer-term vulnerability of coastal marshes. We present an 8500-year-long marsh record from the Mississippi Delta, showing that at rates of RSL rise exceeding 6 to 9 mm year?1, marsh conversion into open water occurs in about 50 years.

Surviving And Thriving In The Face Of Rising Seas

The growing consequences of climate change threaten communities up and down the U.S. coast. But some communities are particularly vulnerable due to a combination of climate and socioeconomic risks... Fairness, justice, and equity go to the heart of what a true democracy like ours stands for. As a nation, we need to bring those principals to bear as we work together to confront the consequences of climate change.

Social Vulnerability Index

Social vulnerability refers to the resilience of communities when confronted by external stresses on human health, stresses such as natural or human-caused disasters, or disease outbreaks. CDC's Social Vulnerability Index uses 15 U.S. census variables at tract level to help local officials identify communities that may need support in preparing for hazards; or recovering from disaster.

Sea Level Rise Viewer

Use this web mapping tool to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 10 feet above average high tides). Photo simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks are also provided, as well as data related to water depth, connectivity, flood frequency, socio-economic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration, and mapping confidence.

Risk Zone Map

Climate Central's Program on Sea Level Rise strives to provide accurate, clear and granular information about sea level rise and coastal flood hazards both locally and globally, today and tomorrow. Anchored in rigorous primary research, our work distinguishes itself by its user-friendly maps and tools, extensive datasets, and high-quality visual presentation.