The Guide To Teaching Climate Science

This series of web pages introduces climate science in a sequence that illustrates different aspects of the climate system. Natural and human influences on climate are presented here, as well as the effects of interactions between parts of Earth's systems. Special emphasis is placed on the methods that scientists use to study the climate and make predictions about future impacts, as this is a topic that is sometimes misunderstood. The overarching Guiding Principle states that humans can take actions to reduce climate change and its impacts, which is a key part of teaching climate science.

Taking Steps Together On Equity & Climate Change: A Report By And For New Orleanians

This report is about how we live in New Orleans and the steps we can take to achieve equity through citywide action on climate change. In our city, African Americans, other people of color, low income families and individuals, the elderly and youth face various forms of inequity and are also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Preserving Our Place- A Community Field Guide To Engagement, Resilience, And Resettlement: Community Regeneration Int He Face Of Environmental And Developmental Pressues

Community is self-defined and complicated. This field guide does not define what a community is or is not, but it is intended for those communities whose lifeways are threatened by environmental change that has exceeded the carrying capacity of the community's social and ecological infrastructure. The problem is more often defined as risks to infrastructure, but the loss of lifeways is not irrelevant. We suggest that social concerns must not be displaced in the face of risk, and that cultural continuation and survival is as important as infrastructure.

It's Us: Humans As Agents Of Change Within Earth's Climate System

Human impacts on the climate system are becoming increasingly evident, moving climate change from a topic that is abstract and faraway to one that is right before our eyes. It's our job to help students learn about our role in altering the climate, but it's important to do so in a way that's constructive and solutions-oriented. Educational materials from the CLEAN collection can help you navigate this essential topic. Presenter: Karin Kirk, Geologist and Science Writer.