Critical Habitat, Coastal Land Loss, And Land Loss/ Land Change Analysis Of The Lake Pontchartrain Basin, Louisiana

Wetlands in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin have declined dramatically since 1982 due to a variety of causes such as urbanization and coastal erosion. Although natural processes have contributed to some of this loss, much of it can be attributed to human activities. Some of the wetland losses can be directly traced to dredging or filling of these areas... The Florida Parishes, which include East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Livingston, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parish, have experienced an accelerated population growth during the past 18 years.

Critical Gaps In Seagrass Protection Reveal The Needs To Address Multiple Pressures And Cumulative Impacts

Management is failing to adequately protect coastal ecosystems. Here we reviewed the policies, legislation, plans and management frameworks intended to protect seagrass meadows in 20 case-studies with the aim of identifying critical gaps in seagrass protection. The case-studies were chosen to represent a range of regions known to have high cumulative impacts or outstanding seagrass management

Compensating For Wetland Lossess Under The Clean Water Act: Outcomes Of Wetlands Restoration And Creation

Underlying wetland mitigation is the assumption that it is scientifically possible for humans to recreate the structure and functions of a wetland, either by restoring a site that had previously been a wetland or by creating an entirely new wetland. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the ecological principles of wetland creation and restoration science and evaluate the current scientific ability of practitioners to restore or create various aspects of wetland functioning in a variety of environments.

Coastal Community In Plaquemines Parish Plot The Future With La Safe

Flipping the script on typical state projects, where public engagement processes happen after the plans have already been drawn up, the meeting in Davant is part of a new approach to coastal planning oriented around residents' ideas and values, which the state calls 'Louisiana's Strategic Adaptations for Future Environments,' or LA SAFE for short.

Climate Justice 101: Climate Migration

The climate movement is changing. And it matters. Chances are you've seen it: The growing recognition across the climate community that we cannot truly solve the climate crisis without also confronting the deep inequities and racial injustice at the heart of our societies. This truth isn't new. For years, environmental justice leaders, relief agencies, and even UN officials have been shouting from the rooftops about the countless ways that climate change hits people of color hardest and makes poor families poorer.

Climate Change: How Do We Know?

This comprehensive resource produced by NASA's Earth Science Communications Team provides a detailed overview of the evidence, causes, and effects of climate change. The information is divided into sections to allow for ease and accessibility when learning about the data and scientific concepts surrounding climate change. "Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale.

Climate Action And Sustainability: Indigenous Peoples Are Part Of The Solution.

The world's climate is in turmoil. Extensive bushfires in Australia causing massive destruction to lives (both animal and human), property and the environment have attracted global media attention for months. In the Arctic, there are haunting images of polar bears starving as their natural habitats disappear due to rising waters and melting ice caps, and in Kenya, changing patterns of ocean circulation have created conditions for locusts to ravage pastures.

Caution: Building In A Wetland Can Be Hazardous To Your House

Build your house in a wetland, and you've got a hobby for the rest of your life,' warns Ed Perry. 'You will be fighting that water forever.' A student of flooded basements and cracked foundations, Perry knows what he's talking about. While investigating illegally filled wetlands in Pennsylvania for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the biologist has visited plenty of houses built where water naturally flows and has commiserated with sorrowful owners of sodden split-levels.

Cane Bayou Mitigation Bank Will Save Money And Preserve Over 1,000 Acres Of Land

Pat Brister, St. Tammany Parish President, announced today, the opening of the Cane Bayou Mitigation Bank, and conservation project; the first of its kind in St. Tammany Parish. A culmination of over five years of work has resulted in roughly 1,200 acres of tree-populated land which will be preserved, and a portion utilized, for wetlands mitigation by St. Tammany Parish Government. Wetlands mitigation credits, required by federal law when natural resources are disrupted through developmental impacts, were previously purchased from out-of-state companies at a much higher cost. St.