CORE St. James

CORE, or Collaborating on Resilience, is a project located in St. James Parish that centers the community in the process of planning for coastal resilience. St. James Parish community members attend trainings, use Coastal Hubs, and attend meetings to prioritize coastal resilience projects in the parish with a focus on sustainability and community input. 
CORE St. James 2024

Learn More

CORE St. James Tree

What is Coastal Resilience?

"Coastal resilience means building the ability of a community to ’bounce back’ after hazardous events such as hurricanes, coastal storms, and flooding – rather than simply reacting to impacts.” - NOAA  

Use a Coastal Hub

Coastal Hubs are locations in St. James Parish that centralize public learning tools such as computers, books, and interactive models. Hubs are in parish community centers, schools and libraries and are accessible for all community members. Pontchartrain Conservancy will hold training sessions to show residents how to use these resources.

Attend a Coastal Resilience Project Field Trip

Coastal Resilience Project Field Trips provide opportunities for St. James Parish program participants to see current and planned resilience projects in the Pontchartrain Basin. Attendees will see examples of levees, swamp reforestation, stormwater management and more.

Other Ways to Get Involved

In addition to Coastal Hubs and field trips, Pontchartrain Conservancy will hold training events, community listening sessions, and other coastal resilience outreach events. Community participation is vital! If you live in St. James Parish, be sure to sign up for project updates, use the CORE Coastal Hubs, and attend meetings and trainings. Email for more information.